by Rev. Sheri Kozdron There are two common questions that may come to mind when hearing the term Angel Reader or Angel Medium. “What’s What is an Angel Reader, and how is that different from other readers? There are some differences among all types of How does someone learn to communicate with angels? Learning to connect with the Angelic Realm means learning how My favorite question of all time was asked of me in the bathroom of an event where I was offering my services. An Ask yourself, “Where did Dr. Doreen Virtue receive her gift from?” She received her Divine gifts and talents from the We are all born with the ability. As children, we may have had imaginary friends that were actually angels or spirits. We I once worked as an assistant in a day care where one day a little boy was coloring a picture of his family. Everyone was
that?” And “How do you do it?”
readings, but the main underlying purpose is very similar. An Angel Reader may use angel oracle cards like the beautiful
collection of oracle card decks created by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Some people feel more comfortable with a reader who uses
angel cards versus a reader who uses the Tarot. While Tarot can be a very accurate prediction tool, angel guidance is
more difficult when it comes to predicting time; the concept of time is our creation and does not really exist in the Angelic
Realm. However, some individuals who may not completely understand the Tarot may also fear some of the cards or
images, like the death card, and will prefer an Angel Reader just because they are more comfortable with the images.
Whether you go to an Angel Reader, Tarot Reader, or Crystal Ball Reader, it is vital that you first feel comfortable with
that person so that your energy will be open to being read. The process of an Angel Reading includes calling in your
personal Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides (including your Master Guide), your deceased loved ones, the Archangels
and Ascended Masters, and only the highest energies for your highest good. There will never be any lower energies or
Earth Bound Spirits (souls who are stuck here) intruding in your Angel Reading. While it is definitely possible to connect
with those individuals if it’s needed, lower energy beings are not generally called upon to give you guidance and
messages by an Angel Reader. Readings are also performed with the understanding that those being read have their
own free will and are not bound to adhere to any guidance received.
to communicate with Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Deceased Loved Ones. The
truth is that anyone can learn this. The biggest secret is not to try too hard; angel/spirit communication is really not as
difficult as you might think it is.
attendee happened to see my name badge with my company name, Angel Messenger. She asked me if I offered angel
readings then asked if I had studied under Doreen Virtue. I answered that I had not ever met Doreen but loved her work
and had read almost all of her books. I could see the look in her eye, and then she proceeded to tell me that I really
should study under Doreen as this was a way for me to basically be good at what I do. I politely thanked the woman for
her advice but laughed inside at the same time.
same Source or Spirit as John Edward, Sylvia Brown, Rev. Sheri Kozdron and you. Yes, I said “and you”. It wasn’t until
someone asked me my favorite question that I realized how people misunderstood this. Anyone can learn to communicate
with their angels, guides and loved ones. All you have to do is develop the ability by gaining the appropriate knowledge
and practicing that knowledge. No one is born knowing how to ride a bike, but just about anyone can learn. You may
need training wheels at first, but you can do it.
were more likely to be able to see things that others did not including angels and spirits, auras, or even knowing things
about our own past lives or that of our loved ones. It’s as we grow older that we learn to doubt what seems so obvious
when we’re children.
colored in as you would expect . . . shirt, pants, proper hair color all colored within the lines - except for the dog. The dog
was purple and colored as if there were no lines at all. In fact, it just appeared to be a mass of purple scribble. The
teacher had good intentions when she jokingly suggested that he had made a mistake. “Dogs aren’t purple,” she said. It
wasn’t until years later that I realized how that dog was in fact purple. That little boy saw the dog’s aura – purple!
Another commonality among children is their ability to recall past lives. One of my clients has a little girl who enjoys
sharing tea time with her great grandmother more than playing with children her own age. She told her mother all about
her “old family” . . . names, where they lived, etc. Guess what? Those people are still alive! This child's eighty year old
past life husband is still alive! It’s amazing the ability we throw away as we grow older . . .
It is amazing the ability we throw away as we grow older, but the good news is that we can get it back. Some people, like
Sylvia Brown for example, are born with the gift and nurtured by family or other influences to develop their gift. Others,
like John Edward, learn to turn the light back on so to speak. John Edward was a skeptic until he met a psychic who
changed his life. John was still only a teenager when he began to reopen his gifts; but, if a teenager can be open enough
to a new idea and accept such amazing ability, there’s a good chance you can too. Not all of us are meant to be famous
Psychic Mediums as we all have different paths, but it is an incredible gift to be able to receive guidance or reassurance
from your own angels and guides or to communicate with someone you’ve lost.
One thing that makes it easier to communicate with the other side is knowing who you are talking to. Guardian Angels and
Spirit Guides are the two main beings you will have with you at all times. Your Guardian Angels are with you throughout
your whole life, from birth to death. Guardian Angels have, for the most part, have never lived a lifetime on Earth. So,
your Grandma Pearl is usually not going to be your Guardian Angel. Spirit Guides, on the other hand, have lived on
Earth. They are considered teachers in the after life and are guiding you on something they have some expertise in.
Spirit Guides do change throughout your lifetime; however, your Master Guide remains with you throughout your whole
life. Both your guides and angels can appear to you as a feeling, animal, or even another human being. They can
appear both in your dream and wake states. There are also Archangels and Ascended Masters which are basically a
level up from Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides in that order. The main Archangels you should know are Michael,
Gabrielle/Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Metatron, and Sandalphon. There are many important Archangels, but this is a good
start. Although it is important to point out that you do not need to know which Archangel does what, the following is a
basic rundown of the above:
Archangel Michael – courage and protection; helps with changes
Archangel Gabrielle - nurturing and children, communication and the arts
Archangel Raphael – physical healing; also helps healers find money for education, brings in clients, and anything to do
with helping the healer to heal
Archangel Uriel – “psychologist angel” – emotional healing; sheds positive energy onto any situation; also for travel and
world healing
Archangel Metatron* – Crystal and Indigo Children, Sacred Geometry, Abundance; was prophet and scribe Enoch from
the Bible in his life on Earth.
Archangel Sandolphon* - Carries prayers to Heaven; was Prophet Elijah.
*Metatron and Sandolphon are the only two Archangels who were once mortal men.
Lastly, the Ascended Masters are people like Buddha, Jesus, Mary, Moses, Saint John, Aphrodite, Athena, Brigit, Dana,
Maat, Maeve, and Merlin. Basically, the Ascended Masters were those people who became spiritual leaders in their
Earthly life. They are considered masters of their realm and were granted high position in Heaven. Masters are relevant
to all faiths and can be called upon for assistance whenever there is a need.
Now let’s talk about some ways that you can begin to communicate for yourself. Dreams are a very common way for
angels, guides and loved ones to try communicating with us. It is the easiest for us to see and hear the other side upon
awakening or when we’re just falling asleep. Being in a dream state puts our ego on hold, and our subconscious is in
charge. While the ego likes to tell us that everything is just coincidence, our higher self (soul) breaks free in the
subconscious. To begin communicating in your sleep, you must first hold the intention of wanting to do so. Say aloud or
within your mind, “Dear _______, I want to talk to you in my sleep. Please come to me tonight, and help me remember my
dreams in the morning. Thank you.” You can ask for a loved one, angel, etc. Don’t be upset if you don’t have the dream
you expect or don’t remember any dreams. Holding the intention and trying is the first step.
Important suggestions are #1 to keep a dream journal. Keep a spiral bound notebook and pen at your bedside and write
down anything you can remember upon awakening . . . colors, feelings, people, etc. If you wake up in the middle of the
night, be sure to also note the time you awoke. You may not notice anything immediately, but the colors, numbers,
feelings, situations, or other things may mean something to you in a few days. (Be sure to also date your journal.)
Suggestion #2 is to get an amethyst and put it either in your pillow case (tumbled only) or again at your bedside. Be sure
to cleanse the crystal by using the smoke of white sage or another cleansing method and ask the crystal to help you to
have intuitive dreams that connect you with whomever you wish. Suggestion #3 is to protect yourself if you are afraid.
This can easily block you from remembering, and can prevent you from connecting at all. If you are afraid, ask your
Master Guide to guide you during your dreams. Unlike regular Spirit Guides, your Master Guide has been with you since
you were born into this lifetime and is your main guide. If you don’t know your Master Guide, or prefer extra protection,
call in Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is the “Guardian of Guardians”. If you are ever afraid or needing courage,
calling in Michael is calling in the “Big Guns”!
Meditation is another wonderful tool to help you connect with the other side. The most common response to the idea of
meditating is “I don’t have time for that!” But you do have time! Do you take a daily shower? Let’s hope so. It’s this
simple . . . while taking your shower, imagine the water as a waterfall of Divine White Light falling down over your body and
cleansing away negativity and impurities. Allow the light to enter through the top of your head (your crown chakra) and
flow through your body and out the palms of your hands and soles of your feet. Just stand there and allow yourself to feel
the warmth and love of this Heavenly energy. This is a great little meditative exercise that will energize you for the day,
help you stay positive, and begin to introduce you to the energy and simplicity of mediation.
Meditation Recommendations for Communicating . . .
· Angels & Guides Meditation CD by John Edward – This program discusses the differences between angels and spirit
guides then walks you through a guided meditation to meet your own guides.
· Take a bath! Relax into a hot bath to get some quiet relaxation time. Tell your angels and guides this is their time
to talk to you, and allow your mind to drift into nothingness. Experiment with different aromatherapy scents or colored
bath salts.
Here’s a favorite method of mine . . . Ask a question then forget about it. Don’t constantly look for the answer to your
prayer. Really, I just ask something like “Please give me sign about ________.” Then I go on with my day and forget
about it, all the while having faith that my question will be answered in its own time. My answer usually comes when I’m in
a meditative state by accident like when doing the dishes, cleaning, driving, etc. All of a sudden, I will just “know” the
answer. Or, an important message may come from a song on the radio or overhearing a conversation.
For example, I wanted to know if I should continue to work on a specific project that I had put on the back burner for a
while. I accidentally came across a book related to my project but thought it might be coincidence, so I asked for
confirmation. Then, I received a phone call from a client I hadn’t heard from in a while that discussed a specific name that
means something to my project. The final confirmation was when I was at an event recently where a woman walked up to
me and specifically asked if I had anything like my project. Once you at least begin to notice the guidance coming to you,
more will come, and it will become more and more difficult to ignore.
Once you have learned some basics, you can begin to practice some of what’s called “The 4 Clairs”. . . . Clairsentience,
Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Claircognizance. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by the titles; it’s really not that hard
. . .
Clairsentience is probably the most common way that people receive messages from the other side. Named “The Force”
in Star Wars, Clairsentience is the physical and emotional reactions we have as an intuition about different places, ideas,
people, and events. Gut feelings, hunches, spiritual senses; it’s a strong sudden sensation or emotion unrelated to
current surroundings. It’s when you “just have a feeling”.
Clairvoyance is the most well known form of “seeing the future”; however, it’s not always about having detailed visions like
Phoebe Halliwell on Charmed. Clairvoyance also includes having detailed or lucid dreams. Although Clairsentience is
known as “clearly seeing”, it is not always related to seeing with your physical eyes as visions usually happen within the
safety of your mind. Clairvoyance is from the Third Eye Chakra which is in the middle of your forehead just above your
physical eyes. Clairvoyant messages may come to you through snapshot mental images or whole scenarios you see
within your mind’s eye (third eye). Seeing colors/auras and angel lights/orbs, having corner of the eye visions, and seeing
visual signs or symbols (objects) are also forms of Clairvoyance.
Clairaudience is when you hear guidance or messages. Considered the still small voice from within, Clairaudience can
come in the form of overhearing a conversation, a song on the radio, your own inner voice, a voice outside your head, or
evening ringing in your ears. Doreen Virtue tells a story about how she was saved from being harmed by someone trying
to steal her car because of a loud voice that came from nowhere. Joan of Arc also heard voices. Although she was
considered crazy, many believe that Joan did really hear the Voice of God. Fear of being considered crazy is a big
reason that many Clairaudient people are closed off to this gift. But, rest assured, you are not always crazy when you
hear voices. Just be sure you know the difference between true guidance and something else. True Divine Guidance
from Heaven will be supportive and loving while false guidance will compare you to others, may ask you to hurt yourself or
others, and may be just plain creepy.
Claircognizance is when you all of a sudden just “know” something without any reason for knowing, and it is also the most
difficult form of communication to trust because of the fact that those who are most likely to be primarily Claircognizant are
highly intellectual people. They are the people who cannot be hypnotized, those who are more scientifically minded, and
those that are the most likely to doubt information which seems to come from nowhere. These intelligent people are more
likely to believe that they’ve just made up what they’re thinking on their own. Claircognizance is when you receive sudden
revelations, insights, foresight, or other knowledge.
To help open yourself up to connecting with the Angelic Realm, it could be very helpful to have an Angel
Reader/Medium/Channel give you a reading where you can begin to understand what it’s like to work with the Angelic
Realm. You may even be able to uncover past life issues that might hold you back from opening up to your own abilities.
This is also where healing sessions can be helpful in removing any blockages and jumpstarting/balancing your Chakras
(internal energy system). Of course, there are many types of healers including those who use angel energy, Reiki
practitioners, Shamanic healers, etc. Whether for a reading or a healing session, it is best to go with what makes you feel
To find out more about connecting with the Angelic Realm for yourself, there are many products on the market you can
consider. Some products I personally recommend are as follows:
Divine Guidance by Dr. Doreen Virtue
Archangels & Ascended Masters by Dr. Doreen Virtue
Angels & Guides Meditation by John Edward or Developing Your Own Psychic Powers by John Edward which includes the
other meditation.
Rev. Sheri Kozdron is a Spiritual Intuitive and Teacher who offers her readings and healing sessions to clients all over the world. Rev. Sheri’s most popular class is her Mediumship Workshop where she teaches students how to communicate with angels, Check out
She offers angelic guidance and messages for past, present, and future through her work as an Angel Medium. Rev. Sheri is
also Certified Master Crystal Healer who uses her knowledge of crystals and Divine ability to channel Angel Energy to heal
energetic issues within the body and all levels of the aura and soul.
guides and loved ones for themselves. While Rev. Sheri believes that that seeking “professional help” from a Psychic Medium
like herself is important, she believes even more in the necessity of learning to communicate for yourself.
Online Store with products to help you develop your spiritual and intuitive self.